The Ronin Rabbit Episode 23

This episode host Ed Moore Jr discusses Tea Cup, Usagi’s story from Usagi Yojimbo v1 issue 11 and some feedback.


One response to “The Ronin Rabbit Episode 23”

  1. Steve Avatar

    This was the first issue of Usagi Yojimbo which I ever read, and is still one of my favorites.

    I did not buy it at the time for the Usagi story, but rather because Sergio Aragones did a "Catnippon" back-up story in it.

    Anyways, this particular issue was set up as a tribute to Groo, featuring the cameo appearance of Groo, the poem at the beginning and the moral at the end, various running gags like the boat sinking and comments like 'Gen does what Gen does best" , "What do you mean slow of mind?" , "did I err?", "I should slay you" , "what's mulch?" etc.

    On the last page of the story, Stan even draws Sergio, Mark, Tom, and himself lurking in ambush along the path leading out of town.

    Of course, Tom Luth, the colorist for Groo also does the colors for the cover of Usagi Yojimbo as well. Mark Evanier, the fourth horseman of the Groo apocalypse was not represented in this issue.

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